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  1. -able                                 35  
  2. a                                      1  
  3. a, A                                   0  
  4. A.D.                                 237  
  5. a.m. or A.M.                         703  
  6. aardvark                               3  
  7. ab                                     5  
  8. abacus                                 6  
  9. abalone                                8  
  10. abandon                               10  
  11. abandoned                             12  
  12. abate                                 14  
  13. abbey                                 16  
  14. abbreviate                            17  
  15. abbreviation                          19  
  16. abdicate                              23  
  17. abdomen                               25  
  18. abduct                                27  
  19. abide                                 29  
  20. ability                               31  
  21. able                                  33  
  22. abnormal                              37  
  23. aboard                                38  
  24. abolish                               40  
  25. abolition                             42  
  26. abolitionist                          43  
  27. abominable                            45  
  28. aborigine                             47  
  29. abound                                49  
  30. about                                 51  
  31. above                                 54  
  32. aboveboard                            56  
  33. abreast                               57  
  34. abridge                               58  
  35. abroad                                60  
  36. abrupt                                61  
  37. abscess                               63  
  38. absence                               65  
  39. absent                                67  
  40. absent-minded                         71  
  41. absentee                              69  
  42. absolute                              73  
  43. absolutely                            75  
  44. absorb                                77  
  45. absorbent                             79  
  46. absorption                            81  
  47. abstain                               83  
  48. abstract                              84  
  49. absurd                                87  
  50. abundance                             89  
  51. abundant                              91  
  52. abuse                                 93  
  53. abyss                                 96  
  54. acacia                                97  
  55. academy                               99  
  56. accelerate                           101  
  57. acceleration                         103  
  58. accent                               105  
  59. accept                               110  
  60. acceptable                           113  
  61. acceptance                           115  
  62. access                               117  
  63. accessory                            119  
  64. accident                             122  
  65. accidental                           125  
  66. acclaim                              127  
  67. accommodate                          129  
  68. accommodation                        131  
  69. accompaniment                        133  
  70. accompany                            135  
  71. accomplice                           137  
  72. accomplish                           139  
  73. accomplishment                       141  
  74. accord                               144  
  75. accordance                           147  
  76. according                            148  
  77. accordion                            150  
  78. account                              152  
  79. accountant                           156  
  80. accumulate                           158  
  81. accumulation                         160  
  82. accuracy                             162  
  83. accurate                             164  
  84. accusation                           166  
  85. accuse                               168  
  86. accustom                             170  
  87. accustomed                           172  
  88. ace                                  174  
  89. ache                                 176  
  90. achieve                              178  
  91. achievement                          180  
  92. acid                                 182  
  93. acid rain                            185  
  94. acknowledge                          186  
  95. acknowledgment                       189  
  96. acne                                 191  
  97. acorn                                193  
  98. acquaint                             194  
  99. acquaintance                         196  
  100. acquire                              198  
  101. acquit                               200  
  102. acre                                 202  
  103. acreage                              204  
  104. acrobat                              205  
  105. across                               207  
  106. act                                  209  
  107. action                               215  
  108. action verb                          218  
  109. activate                             219  
  110. active                               221  
  111. activity                             223  
  112. actor                                225  
  113. actress                              226  
  114. actual                               228  
  115. actually                             229  
  116. acupuncture                          230  
  117. acute                                232  
  118. acute angle                          234  
  119. ad                                   235  
  120. ad-lib                               285  
  121. adage                                239  
  122. adapt                                241  
  123. add                                  243  
  124. addend                               246  
  125. adder                                248  
  126. addict                               250  
  127. addiction                            252  
  128. addition                             254  
  129. additional                           257  
  130. additive                             259  
  131. address                              261  
  132. adenoids                             265  
  133. adept                                267  
  134. adequate                             268  
  135. adhere                               270  
  136. adhesive                             272  
  137. adios                                274  
  138. adjacent                             275  
  139. adjective                            276  
  140. adjoin                               278  
  141. adjourn                              279  
  142. adjust                               281  
  143. adjustment                           283  
  144. administer                           287  
  145. administration                       289  
  146. admirable                            293  
  147. admiral                              294  
  148. admiration                           296  
  149. admire                               298  
  150. admission                            300  
  151. admit                                303  
  152. admittance                           305  
  153. adobe                                306  
  154. adolescent                           308  
  155. adopt                                309  
  156. adoption                             311  
  157. adorable                             312  
  158. adore                                313  
  159. adorn                                315  
  160. adrift                               316  
  161. adult                                317  
  162. adulthood                            319  
  163. advance                              320  
  164. advanced                             325  
  165. advancement                          327  
  166. advantage                            329  
  167. advantageous                         332  
  168. adventure                            334  
  169. adventurous                          336  
  170. adverb                               338  
  171. adversary                            340  
  172. adverse                              342  
  173. adversity                            344  
  174. advertise                            346  
  175. advertisement                        349  
  176. advice                               351  
  177. advisable                            353  
  178. advise                               355  
  179. adviser                              357  
  180. advocate                             359  
  181. adz                                  361  
  182. aerial                               363  
  183. aerobics                             365  
  184. aeronautics                          367  
  185. aerosol                              369  
  186. aerospace                            371  
  187. aesthetic                            373  
  188. afar                                 375  
  189. affable                              376  
  190. affair                               377  
  191. affection                            383  
  192. affectionate                         385  
  193. affect≤                              381  
  194. affectπ                              379  
  195. affiliate                            387  
  196. affirm                               389  
  197. affirmative                          391  
  198. affix                                393  
  199. afflict                              395  
  200. affliction                           397  
  201. affluent                             399  
  202. afford                               401  
  203. affront                              403  
  204. Afghanistan                          405  
  205. afire                                406  
  206. afloat                               408  
  207. afoot                                410  
  208. afraid                               412  
  209. Africa                               414  
  210. African                              415  
  211. African violet                       417  
  212. Afro                                 418  
  213. Afro-American                        419  
  214. aft                                  421  
  215. after                                422  
  216. afternoon                            425  
  217. afterward or afterwards              426  
  218. again                                428  
  219. against                              429  
  220. agate                                432  
  221. age                                  434  
  222. aged                                 437  
  223. agency                               439  
  224. agent                                441  
  225. aggravate                            443  
  226. aggression                           445  
  227. aggressive                           447  
  228. aghast                               449  
  229. agile                                451  
  230. agility                              453  
  231. aging                                454  
  232. agitate                              455  
  233. aglow                                458  
  234. ago                                  460  
  235. agony                                461  
  236. agree                                463  
  237. agreeable                            466  
  238. agreement                            468  
  239. agricultural                         470  
  240. agriculture                          472  
  241. ah                                   473  
  242. aha                                  475  
  243. ahead                                477  
  244. ahoy                                 479  
  245. aid                                  481  
  246. aide                                 484  
  247. ail                                  486  
  248. ailment                              488  
  249. aim                                  489  
  250. aimless                              492  
  251. ainít                                493  
  252. air                                  495  
  253. air conditioner                      501  
  254. air force                            506  
  255. air pressure                         520  
  256. aircraft                             503  
  257. airfield                             505  
  258. airline                              508  
  259. airliner                             510  
  260. airmail                              511  
  261. airman                               514  
  262. airplane                             516  
  263. airport                              518  
  264. airship                              522  
  265. airsick                              524  
  266. airstrip                             525  
  267. airtight                             526  
  268. airy                                 528  
  269. aisle                                530  
  270. ajar                                 532  
  271. AK                                   533  
  272. akimbo                               534  
  273. akin                                 535  
  274. AL                                   537  
  275. Ala.                                 538  
  276. Alabama                              539  
  277. alabaster                            542  
  278. alarm                                543  
  279. alarm clock                          546  
  280. alas                                 548  
  281. Alas.                                549  
  282. Alaska                               550  
  283. Albania                              552  
  284. albatross                            553  
  285. Alberta                              555  
  286. albino                               556  
  287. album                                558  
  288. alcohol                              560  
  289. alcoholic                            562  
  290. alcoholism                           564  
  291. alcove                               566  
  292. alder                                568  
  293. ale                                  570  
  294. alert                                572  
  295. Aleut                                575  
  296. alfalfa                              577  
  297. algae                                579  
  298. algebra                              581  
  299. Algeria                              583  
  300. alias                                584  
  301. alibi                                586  
  302. alien                                589  
  303. alight≤                              594  
  304. alightπ                              592  
  305. align                                596  
  306. alike                                597  
  307. alimentary canal                     599  
  308. alive                                601  
  309. all                                  603  
  310. all right                            636  
  311. all-around                           607  
  312. Allah                                606  
  313. allege                               609  
  314. allegiance                           611  
  315. allergic                             613  
  316. allergy                              615  
  317. alley                                617  
  318. alliance                             619  
  319. allied                               621  
  320. alligator                            623  
  321. alliteration                         625  
  322. allot                                627  
  323. allow                                629  
  324. allowance                            632  
  325. alloy                                634  
  326. allude                               638  
  327. ally                                 640  
  328. almanac                              643  
  329. almond                               645  
  330. almost                               646  
  331. aloft                                647  
  332. aloha                                649  
  333. alone                                651  
  334. along                                654  
  335. alongside                            657  
  336. aloof                                659  
  337. aloud                                661  
  338. alpaca                               662  
  339. alphabet                             664  
  340. alphabetical                         666  
  341. alphabetize                          668  
  342. already                              670  
  343. also                                 671  
  344. Alta.                                672  
  345. altar                                673  
  346. alter                                675  
  347. alternate                            677  
  348. alternating current                  682  
  349. alternative                          684  
  350. although                             687  
  351. altimeter                            689  
  352. altitude                             691  
  353. alto                                 693  
  354. altogether                           695  
  355. aluminum                             697  
  356. always                               699  
  357. am                                   701  
  358. amateur                              705  
  359. amaze                                708  
  360. amazement                            710  
  361. ambassador                           712  
  362. amber                                714  
  363. ambiguous                            716  
  364. ambition                             718  
  365. ambitious                            720  
  366. amble                                723  
  367. ambulance                            725  
  368. ambush                               727  
  369. ameba                                730  
  370. amen                                 732  
  371. amend                                734  
  372. amendment                            736  
  373. amends                               738  
  374. Amer.                                740  
  375. America                              741  
  376. American                             744  
  377. American English                     747  
  378. American Revolution                  748  
  379. amethyst                             750  
  380. amiable                              752  
  381. amid or amidst                       754  
  382. amigo                                756  
  383. amiss                                757  
  384. ammonia                              759  
  385. ammunition                           761  
  386. amnesia                              763  
  387. amoeba                               765  
  388. among                                766  
  389. amount                               770  
  390. amphibian                            773  
  391. amphibious                           775  
  392. amphitheater                         777  
  393. ample                                779  
  394. amplify                              781  
  395. amputate                             783  
  396. amt.                                 784  
  397. amuse                                785  
  398. amusement                            787  
  399. amusement park                       789  
  400. an                                   790  
  401. anaconda                             792  
  402. analysis                             794  
  403. analyze                              796  
  404. anarchy                              798  
  405. anatomy                              799  
  406. ancestor                             801  
  407. anchor                               803  
  408. anchovy                              806  
  409. ancient                              808  
  410. and                                  810  
  411. andiron                              812  
  412. android                              813  
  413. anecdote                             815  
  414. anemia                               817  
  415. anemometer                           819  
  416. anemone                              820  
  417. anesthesia                           821  
  418. anesthetic                           823  
  419. anew                                 825  
  420. angel                                826  
  421. anger                                828  
  422. angle                                830  
  423. Angola                               833  
  424. angora                               834  
  425. angry                                836  
  426. anguish                              838  
  427. animal                               840  
  428. animosity                            843  
  429. ankle                                845  
  430. anklet                               846  
  431. annex                                847  
  432. annihilate                           850  
  433. anniversary                          852  
  434. announce                             854  
  435. announcement                         856  
  436. announcer                            858  
  437. annoy                                860  
  438. annoyance                            861  
  439. annual                               863  
  440. annual ring                          866  
  441. anoint                               868  
  442. anonymous                            869  
  443. another                              871  
  444. answer                               874  
  445. ant                                  878  
  446. antagonism                           880  
  447. antagonize                           882  
  448. antarctic                            884  
  449. Antarctic Ocean                      889  
  450. Antarctica                           887  
  451. anteater                             891  
  452. antecedent                           893  
  453. antelope                             895  
  454. antenna                              897  
  455. anthem                               899  
  456. anther                               901  
  457. anthill                              902  
  458. anthology                            903  
  459. anthracite                           905  
  460. anthropology                         907  
  461. anti-                                909  
  462. antibiotic                           910  
  463. antibody                             912  
  464. anticipate                           914  
  465. anticipation                         916  
  466. antidote                             918  
  467. antifreeze                           920  
  468. antique                              922  
  469. antiseptic                           924  
  470. antitoxin                            926  
  471. antler                               928  
  472. antonym                              930  
  473. anvil                                933  
  474. anxiety                              935  
  475. anxious                              937  
  476. any                                  939  
  477. anybody                              942  
  478. anyhow                               943  
  479. anymore                              945  
  480. anyone                               946  
  481. anyplace                             947  
  482. anything                             948  
  483. anytime                              950  
  484. anyway                               951  
  485. anywhere                             952  
  486. aorta                                953  
  487. Apache                               955  
  488. apart                                957  
  489. apartheid                            960  
  490. apartment                            962  
  491. apathy                               964  
  492. ape                                  966  
  493. aphid                                968  
  494. apiece                               969  
  495. apologize                            971  
  496. apology                              973  
  497. Apostle                              975  
  498. apostrophe                           977  
  499. apothecary                           980  
  500. appall                               981  
  501. apparatus                            983  
  502. apparel                              985  
  503. apparent                             986  
  504. apparently                           988  
  505. appeal                               989  
  506. appear                               993  
  507. appearance                           996  
  508. appease                              998  
  509. appendicitis                        1000  
  510. appendix                            1002  
  511. appetite                            1004  
  512. appetizing                          1006  
  513. applaud                             1008  
  514. applause                            1010  
  515. apple                               1012  
  516. applesauce                          1014  
  517. appliance                           1016  
  518. applicant                           1018  
  519. application                         1020  
  520. apply                               1023  
  521. appoint                             1026  
  522. appointment                         1028  
  523. appraise                            1031  
  524. appreciate                          1033  
  525. appreciation                        1036  
  526. apprehend                           1038  
  527. apprehension                        1040  
  528. apprentice                          1042  
  529. approach                            1044  
  530. appropriate                         1048  
  531. approval                            1051  
  532. approve                             1053  
  533. approximate                         1055  
  534. approximately                       1057  
  535. Apr.                                1058  
  536. apricot                             1059  
  537. April                               1061  
  538. apron                               1063  
  539. apt                                 1065  
  540. aptitude                            1067  
  541. aqualung                            1069  
  542. aquarium                            1071  
  543. aqueduct                            1074  
  544. AR                                  1076  
  545. Arab                                1077  
  546. Arabia                              1079  
  547. Arabian                             1080  
  548. Arabic                              1082  
  549. Arabic numerals                     1084  
  550. arable                              1085  
  551. arbitrary                           1086  
  552. arbitrate                           1088  
  553. arbitration                         1090  
  554. arbor                               1092  
  555. arc                                 1093  
  556. arcade                              1095  
  557. arch                                1097  
  558. archaeology                         1100  
  559. archbishop                          1102  
  560. archeology                          1103  
  561. archer                              1104  
  562. archery                             1105  
  563. archipelago                         1106  
  564. architect                           1108  
  565. architecture                        1109  
  566. arctic                              1111  
  567. Arctic Ocean                        1113  
  568. are                                 1114  
  569. area                                1116  
  570. area code                           1118  
  571. arena                               1120  
  572. arenít                              1122  
  573. Argentina                           1123  
  574. argue                               1124  
  575. argument                            1126  
  576. arid                                1129  
  577. arise                               1130  
  578. aristocracy                         1132  
  579. aristocrat                          1134  
  580. arithmetic                          1136  
  581. Ariz.                               1138  
  582. Arizona                             1139  
  583. ark                                 1141  
  584. Ark.                                1143  
  585. Arkansas                            1144  
  586. armada                              1150  
  587. armadillo                           1151  
  588. armaments                           1153  
  589. armchair                            1154  
  590. armed forces                        1155  
  591. armistice                           1156  
  592. armor                               1158  
  593. armored                             1160  
  594. armory                              1161  
  595. armpit                              1163  
  596. army                                1164  
  597. arm≤                                1148  
  598. armπ                                1146  
  599. aroma                               1167  
  600. arose                               1169  
  601. around                              1170  
  602. arouse                              1174  
  603. arrange                             1176  
  604. arrangement                         1178  
  605. array                               1181  
  606. arrest                              1184  
  607. arrival                             1187  
  608. arrive                              1189  
  609. arrogant                            1191  
  610. arrow                               1193  
  611. arrowhead                           1195  
  612. arroyo                              1196  
  613. arsenal                             1198  
  614. arsenic                             1199  
  615. arson                               1201  
  616. art                                 1202  
  617. artery                              1205  
  618. arthritis                           1207  
  619. artichoke                           1209  
  620. article                             1211  
  621. articulate                          1214  
  622. artificial                          1216  
  623. artificial respiration              1218  
  624. artillery                           1220  
  625. artisan                             1222  
  626. artist                              1224  
  627. artistic                            1226  
  628. as                                  1228  
  629. asbestos                            1233  
  630. ascend                              1235  
  631. ascent                              1237  
  632. ascertain                           1239  
  633. ashamed                             1244  
  634. ashore                              1246  
  635. ash≤                                1243  
  636. ashπ                                1241  
  637. Asia                                1248  
  638. Asian                               1249  
  639. aside                               1251  
  640. ask                                 1253  
  641. askew                               1256  
  642. asleep                              1257  
  643. asparagus                           1259  
  644. aspect                              1261  
  645. aspen                               1263  
  646. asphalt                             1265  
  647. aspire                              1267  
  648. aspirin                             1269  
  649. ass                                 1271  
  650. assassin                            1273  
  651. assassinate                         1275  
  652. assault                             1277  
  653. assemble                            1279  
  654. assembly                            1281  
  655. assembly line                       1284  
  656. assent                              1286  
  657. assert                              1288  
  658. assess                              1290  
  659. asset                               1292  
  660. assign                              1294  
  661. assignment                          1296  
  662. assist                              1298  
  663. assistance                          1300  
  664. assistant                           1302  
  665. associate                           1304  
  666. association                         1308  
  667. associative property                1311  
  668. assortment                          1313  
  669. assume                              1315  
  670. assumption                          1318  
  671. assurance                           1320  
  672. assure                              1322  
  673. aster                               1324  
  674. asterisk                            1326  
  675. astern                              1328  
  676. asteroid                            1330  
  677. asthma                              1332  
  678. astir                               1334  
  679. astonish                            1335  
  680. astonishment                        1337  
  681. astound                             1339  
  682. astray                              1341  
  683. astride                             1342  
  684. astrology                           1343  
  685. astronaut                           1345  
  686. astronomer                          1347  
  687. astronomical                        1348  
  688. astronomy                           1350  
  689. asylum                              1351  
  690. at                                  1354  
  691. ate                                 1357  
  692. atheist                             1359  
  693. athlete                             1360  
  694. athleteís foot                      1362  
  695. athletic                            1363  
  696. athletics                           1365  
  697. Atlantic                            1367  
  698. atlas                               1369  
  699. atmosphere                          1371  
  700. atmospheric                         1375  
  701. atoll                               1377  
  702. atom                                1378  
  703. atomic                              1380  
  704. atomic bomb                         1382  
  705. atomic energy                       1384  
  706. atone                               1385  
  707. atop                                1387  
  708. atrocious                           1388  
  709. attach                              1390  
  710. attachment                          1392  
  711. attack                              1394  
  712. attain                              1398  
  713. attempt                             1400  
  714. attend                              1402  
  715. attendance                          1405  
  716. attendant                           1407  
  717. attention                           1409  
  718. attentive                           1413  
  719. attest                              1415  
  720. attic                               1417  
  721. attire                              1419  
  722. attitude                            1421  
  723. attorney                            1423  
  724. attract                             1424  
  725. attraction                          1426  
  726. attractive                          1428  
  727. attribute                           1430  
  728. auction                             1433  
  729. audible                             1435  
  730. audience                            1437  
  731. audio                               1440  
  732. audition                            1442  
  733. auditorium                          1445  
  734. auditory                            1447  
  735. Aug.                                1448  
  736. auger                               1449  
  737. augment                             1450  
  738. August                              1452  
  739. auk                                 1454  
  740. aunt                                1456  
  741. auricle                             1458  
  742. aurora borealis                     1460  
  743. Australia                           1463  
  744. Australian                          1465  
  745. Austria                             1467  
  746. authentic                           1468  
  747. author                              1470  
  748. authoritative                       1471  
  749. authority                           1473  
  750. authorize                           1476  
  751. auto                                1478  
  752. autobiography                       1479  
  753. autograph                           1481  
  754. automatic                           1483  
  755. automation                          1485  
  756. automobile                          1487  
  757. autopsy                             1489  
  758. autumn                              1490  
  759. auxiliary                           1492  
  760. auxiliary verb                      1495  
  761. available                           1497  
  762. avalanche                           1499  
  763. Ave.                                1501  
  764. avenue                              1502  
  765. average                             1503  
  766. avert                               1507  
  767. aviation                            1509  
  768. aviator                             1510  
  769. avid                                1511  
  770. avocado                             1513  
  771. avoid                               1515  
  772. await                               1516  
  773. awake                               1518  
  774. awaken                              1520  
  775. award                               1521  
  776. aware                               1524  
  777. away                                1525  
  778. awe                                 1528  
  779. awesome                             1530  
  780. awful                               1531  
  781. awfully                             1533  
  782. awhile                              1535  
  783. awkward                             1536  
  784. awl                                 1538  
  785. awning                              1540  
  786. awoke                               1542  
  787. ax                                  1543  
  788. axis                                1545  
  789. axle                                1547  
  790. aye                                 1549  
  791. AZ                                  1551  
  792. azalea                              1552  
  793. Aztec                               1554  
  794. azure                               1556  